
Ponty, Jean-Luc

Jean-Luc Ponty (born September 29, 1942, Avranches, France) is a French virtuoso violinist and jazz composer.

Mystical Adventures

Mystical Adventures is an album by French Jazz-Fusion artist Jean-Luc Ponty, released in 1981.

Jean-Luc Ponty - Mystical Adventures

D-1a/b : Atlantic - 19333-2 - red / teal / silver - MADE IN WEST ☐ GERMANY BY POLYGRAM - outer mirror band

D-1a : 7567 19333-2 2893 687 01 # - no hub inscription

D-1b : 7567 19333-2 2893 687 01 # - MADE IN W. GERMANY BY PDO HANOVER

T-1 : Atlantic - 19333-2 - Printed in West Germany - no UPC - D-1a

T-2 : Altantic - 19333-2 - Printed in West Germany - with UPC - D-1b

Individual Choice

Individual Choice is an album by French Jazz-Fusion artist Jean-Luc Ponty, released in 1983.

Jean-Luc Ponty - Individual Choice

D-1a : Atlantic - 7 80098-2 - red / teal / silver - MADE IN ☐ WEST GERMANY - outer mirror band - 7567 80098-2 2893 219 01

D-1b : Atlantic - 7 80098-2 - red / teal / silver - MADE IN WEST ☐ GERMANY BY POLYGRAM - outer mirror band - 7567 80098-2 2893 219 02 #

D-1c : Atlantic - 7 80098-2 - red / teal / silver - MADE IN WEST ☐ GERMANY - outer mirror band - 7567 80098-2 2893 219 02 # - MADE IN W. GERMANY BY PDO etched around center hole

T-1 : Atlantic - 7 80098-2 - Printed in West Germany - with UPC - D-1a, D-1b, D-1c

Open Mind

Open Mind is an album by French Jazz-Fusion artist Jean-Luc Ponty, released in 1984.

Jean-Luc Ponty - Open Mind

D-1 : Atlantic - 80185-2 / (823 581-2) - red / teal / silver - MADE IN WEST ☐ GERMANY BY POLYGRAM - outer mirror band - 823 581-2 02 #

T-1 : Atlantic - 7 80185-2 - Printed in West Germany - with UPC - D-1